After you have called addInstall or addErase for each of the packages you want to install, upgrade, or remove, you need to call two methods to verify the transaction set and order all the elements properly. These two methods are check and order. Checking the Dependencies
The check method checks the dependencies in a transaction set.
unresolved_dependencies = ts.check()
It returns None if all dependencies are resolved, or a complex tuple for each unresolved dependency. In general, if the check method returns anything but None, you cannot perform the transaction.
On a dependency failure, check returns a complex tuple of the dependency information in the following format:
((N,V,R), (reqN, reqV), needsFlags, suggestedPackage, sense)
The first element is a tuple of the name, version, and release of the package you are trying to install. The next tuple holds the required name and required version or conflicting name and version. The version will be None if the dependency is a shared library or other file.
The needs flags tell you about the requirement or conflict. The value is a bitmask that can contain the following bit settings: rpm.RPMSENSE_EQUAL, rpm.RPMSENSE_GREATER, and rpm.RPMSENSE_LESS. This tells you if the dependency is for a version of a package greater than 4.1, for example.
The suggested package names a package that solves the dependency. The packages considered are those for which you call addInstall with a flag of 'a'. This value will be None if there is no known package to solve this dependency.
You can tell whether the dependency is a conflict or a requirement based on the sense value, one of rpm.RPMSENSE_CONFLICTS or rpm.RPMSENSE_REQUIRES.
For example, the following tuple shows a required package:
(('eruby-devel', '0.9.8', '2'), ('eruby-libs', '0.9.8'), 8, None, 0)
The following tuple shows a required shared library:
(('jpilot', '0.97', '1'), ('', None), 0, None, 0)
This tuple format will likely change in future versions of RPM. This example shows the format in RPM 4.1. With each RPM release, check the online documentation on the Python API to look for changes.