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20.2.3. Changing settings

You can edit the per-user or per-system rc files to change the settings. The format of the rpmrc files is fairly simple but contains a few exceptions. The most basic format is:
setting: value
The settings get more complicated as the rpmrc syntax supports defining settings for multiple architectures at once. In that case, the typical format is:
setting: uname: value
The uname portion is replaced by a value that comes from the uname(2) system call, for example, i686 on a 686-class Intel architecture machine.
In most cases, your best bet is to copy an existing setting and modify it, rather than remembering all the exceptions. Setting the optflags

One exception to the rule is the optflags setting, which controls C compiler options for optimization. The format for the optflags setting is:
setting: arch value
There is no colon after the architecture. For example:
optflags: i686 -O2 -march=i686
optflags: alphaev5 -O2 -mieee -mcpu=ev5
This example sets the optimization flags for an i686 system to -O2 -march=i686 and an alphaev5 system to -O2 -mieee -mcpu=ev5. If your system is running on a 686-class processor, you will get one set of optimization flags. If your system is running on a V5 Alpha processor, you will get a different set.