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6.5.2. Updating a Document

To publish your document on the Fedora Documentation website, complete the following steps:
  1. Make sure that the publican.cfg file in the main directory of your document contains the following line:
    os_ver: .el6
  2. Update the language/Revision_History.xml file to ensure that the document has a unique revision number. To create a new entry in the revision history, use the following command:
    publican add_revision --lang language \
      --firstname first_name --surname surname --email email \
      --member "description"
    Replace language with a selected language code (such as en-US or cs-CZ), first_name with your given name, surname with your surname, email with your email address, and description with a brief description of your changes.
  3. Package your document as a source RPM (SRPM):
    publican package --lang language
    Replace language with a selected language code (such as en-US or cs-CZ). This command stores the newly created SRPM package in the tmp/rpm/ directory and prints the absolute path to this file to standard output. If you intend to publish your document in more than one language, repeat this step with a different language code.
  4. Push the SRPM package created in the previous step to Koji:
    koji build el6-docs package_name
    Replace package_name with a path to the SRPM package (for example, tmp/rpm/Fedora-Security_Guide-19-web-en-US-19.1-1.el6.src.rpm).