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7.7. Mapping Language Codes

If you have translation folders already in your repository, you may need to map the language codes to the ones used by, if they are different.
To do this, open the file .tx/config. You should see a [main] section which allows you to set configurations for the whole document, followed by sections for the individual files of which your document is comprised (resources, in Transifex terminology). In the [main] section, edit the lang_map line to map the language codes in your repository to the ones used on For example, if your repository uses ro-RO for Romanian and bg-BG for Bulgarian, but uses ro and bg respectively, the lang_map line should look like this:
lang_map = ro:ro-RO,bg:bg-BG
The language code used in comes first, followed by the language code used by the folder in your repository. Multiple language mappings are given as a comma-separated list.

Finding currently active Translation Teams

To find out what Translation Teams currently have translations for your document, and to see what language code they use, click on All Resources under Project Releases on your document's project page. This will bring up a list of all currently active Translation Teams, with the name of each language followed by its language code in parentheses. You can also see how much of your document each team has translated, and the details of the last submitted translation.
For your .tx/config file you can simply reuse the following language code mappings, which are utilized by a number of Fedora guides that are tracked by
lang_map = aln:aln-AL, ar:ar-SA, as:as-IN, ast:ast-ES, bal:bal-PK,
bg:bg-BG, bn:bn-BD, bn_IN:bn-IN, bs:bs-BA, ca:ca-ES, cs:cs-CZ, da:da-DK,
de_CH:de-CH, de:de-DE, el:el-GR, en_GB:en-GB, es:es-ES, et:et-EE, eu:eu-ES,
fa:fa-IR, fi:fi-FI, fr:fr-FR, gl:gl-ES, gu:gu-IN, he:he-IL, hi:hi-IN, hr:hr-HR,
hu:hu-HU, id:id-ID, is:is-IS, it:it-IT, ja:ja-JP, kn:kn-IN, ko:ko-KR, lt:lt-LT,
lv:lv-LV, mai:mai-IN, ml:ml-IN, mr:mr-IN, ms:ms-MY, nb:nb-NO, nds:nds-DE,
nl:nl-NL, nn:nn-NO, or:or-IN, pa:pa-IN, pl:pl-PL, pt_BR:pt-BR, pt:pt-PT,
ro:ro-RO, ru:ru-RU, si:si-LK, sk:sk-SK, sl:sl-SI, sq:sq-AL, sr:sr-RS,
sr@latin:sr-Latn-RS, sv:sv-SE, ta:ta-IN, te:te-IN, tr:tr-TR, tg:tg-TJ, uk:uk-UA,
ur:ur-PK, vi:vi-VN, zh_CN:zh-CN, zh_HK:zh-HK, zh_TW:zh-TW