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6.4. Building a Document

To build a document in order to review it, use the following command:
publican build --langs languages --formats formats
Replace languages with a comma-separated list of language codes (such as en-US or cs-CZ) and formats with a comma-separated list of file formats as described in Table 6.2, “Available Target Formats”.
By default, the publican build command stores the created files in the tmp/ directory where you can review the output. To build a final version of the document, add the --publish option as follows:
publican build --publish --langs languages --formats formats
This places the generated files in the publish/ directory. For information on how to publish your document on the Fedora Documentation website, see Section 6.5, “Publishing a Document”.

Table 6.2. Available Target Formats

Format Description
html Generates multiple HTML pages.
html-single Generates a single HTML page.
html-desktop Generates a single HTML page with a table of contents in a sidebar.
pdf Generates a PDF file.
epub Generates an EPUB file.
txt Generates a plain-text file.
man Generates a manual page.
eclipse Generates an Eclipse help plug-in.
test Does not generate any files, only validates the XML files.