Fedora Draft Documentation
Fedora Contributor Documentation
Fedora Draft Documentation
Documentation Guide
Documentation Guide
1. Document Conventions
1.1. Typographic Conventions
1.2. Pull-quote Conventions
1.3. Notes and Warnings
2. We want feedback
1. Introduction
1.1. Purpose of This Guide
1.2. Tips for Success
1.3. Organization of this Guide
2. The Fedora Docs Community
2.1. Getting Started
2.2. Mentors
2.3. Communication
2.4. Office Hours
3. Documentation Workflow
3.1. Write First, Format Later
3.2. Formatting in DocBook
3.3. Pushing Strings to Translation
3.4. Pulling Strings from Translation
3.5. Building Documents
3.6. Publishing Documents to the Web
3.7. Building Packages from Documents
3.8. Creating a patch
4. Brief Introduction to DocBook
4.1. Why DocBook?
4.1.1. DocBook as an XML Markup Language
4.1.2. Human-readable Tags
4.1.3. Text-based Format for Easy Revision Control
4.1.4. Separation Between Content and Style
4.1.5. Output in a Variety of Formats
4.2. Parts of a DocBook File
4.2.1. Entities
4.3. Dividing a Document into Multiple Files with XIncludes
5. XML Tools
5.1. XML Concepts
5.2. xmllint
5.3. xsltproc
5.4. xmltidy
6. Publican
6.1. Installing Publican
6.2. Creating a New Document
6.3. Validating a Document
6.4. Building a Document
6.5. Publishing a Document
6.5.1. Adding a New Document
6.5.2. Updating a Document
6.5.3. Removing a Document
6.6. Packaging a Document
7. Translations
7.1. Translating Documentation
7.2. Introducing Transifex.net
7.3. Creating an Account on Transifex.net
7.4. Installing the Transifex Client
7.5. Configuring .transifexrc
7.6. Initializing Transifex in Your Git Repository
7.7. Mapping Language Codes
7.8. Editing File Filters
7.9. Updating POT Files
7.10. Pushing and Pulling Translations
7.11. Branching and Updating Translations Before a New Release
7.12. Additional Resources
A. Style Guide
A.1. General Guidelines
A.1.1. Composition
A.1.2. Usage
A.1.3. Other Writing Questions
A.2. Content and Rendering
A.3. Dates and Times
A.3.1. Absolute Dates and Times
A.4. Fedora Specific Conventions
A.4.1. Screenshots and Images
A.4.2. General Conventions
A.4.3. DocBook XML
A.4.4. Wiki
A.4.5. ReST
A.4.6. Plain Text
A.4.7. Other Formats
A.5. Common Mistakes
A.5.1. Spelling
A.5.2. Grammar
A.5.3. Punctuation
A.5.4. Constractions
A.6. Word usage, capitalization, and spelling
A.7. Quick Reference
A.7.1. Numbers
A.7.2. Abbreviations
A.7.3. Punctuation
A.7.4. Lists
A.7.5. Titles
A.7.6. Units of Measure
A.7.7. Common Technology Terms
A.7.8. Denoting trademarks
A.8. Resources
A.8.1. Useful FLOSS Project Guides
A.8.2. Other Style Guides
A.8.3. US-English Grammar
A.8.4. Standards
A.8.5. DocBook
A.8.6. Other Resources
B. Revision History
Documentation Guide
A.8.5. DocBook
Documentation for DocBook