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7. On_Screen_Keyboards

Many on screen keyboards have been created for environments with no keyboards such as wearable computers or palm devices. They are also very useful for accessibility enhancement when used with a mouse or no-hand tools such as a head-mouse or an eye-tracker. Some of tools included in Fedora are described in this section.

7.1. Indic Onscreen Keyboard

iok is Indic Onscreen Keyboard. It provides virtual keyboard functionality. It currently works with Inscript and xkb keymaps for Indian languages. The following keymaps are currently available: Assamese, Bengali, Gujarati, Hindi, Kannada, Marathi, Malayalam, Punjabi, Oriya, Tamil, Telugu. iok can even try to parse and display non-inscript keymaps. Visit for more information on iok.

7.1.1. Installing iok

To install iok in fedora, you can either select System > Administration > Add/Remove Software on the GNOME panel, and then type iok in the screen that pops up; or alternatively type su -c "yum install iok" in a terminal window.