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6. Mouse Tools

Mouse tools allow the mouse to be used in different ways, and provide an alternate solution to people with limited mobility.

6.1. KMouseTool

A program for KDE, KMouseTool, provides an alternate method for clicking the mouse by clicking the mouse whenever the cursor pauses and even provides a dragging capability. KMouseTool works with any mouse or pointing device.

6.1.1. Installing KMouseTool

In Fedora, KMouseTool is packaged in the kdeaccessibility package. This package also contains kmagnifier, kmouth, and ktts, all of which are discussed in other areas of this guide. To install kdeaccessibility you can either select System > Administration > Add/Remove Software and then type in kdeaccessibility in the screen that pops up, or in a terminal window type su -c "yum install kdeaccessibility".