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5.2. xnec2c

xnec2c is a GUI wrapper on the popular NEC2 antenna modeling program. The application allows the design of an arbitrary antenna, and displays gain, impedance and other useful results.
xnec2c - yagi

Figure 34. xnec2c - yagi

xnec2c displays its output in up to three windows. The first window shows the model the user has provided:
Structure display of a collinear

Figure 35. Structure display of a collinear

The user may rotate the view with the two numeric controls. The X, Y and Z buttons permit views along the three axes, and the curved arrow button returns to the default isometric view.
Selecting Radiation Pattern from the View menu opens the radiation pattern window (Figure 36, “Radiation Pattern Display”). The view may be rotated in the same manner as the structure window. Buttons at the top allow for selection of the radiation pattern or the field pattern display.
Radiation Pattern Display

Figure 36. Radiation Pattern Display

The dB / MHz controls allow for specifying the precise frequency at which the gain is to be displayed.
Selecting Frequency Plots from the View menu opens the frequency data plots window (Figure 37, “Frequency Data Plots Display”). Buttons along the top permit display of SWR, impedance, phase, etc.
Frequency Data Plots Display

Figure 37. Frequency Data Plots Display

Clicking on the graph causes the gain, SWR and impedance to be displayed immediately above the graphs for the selected frequency.
More complete documentation is installed with the application and may be found at file:///usr/share/doc/xnec2c-1.5/xnec2c.html after the application has been installed.

5.2.1. Improving calculation performance

When a complex antenna with many segments and many frequency steps is required, the calculation can take some time. xnec2c is able to take advantage of modern, multicore processors by specifying -j <n>, where <n> is the number of subprocesses to spawn. Many multicore processors can create two threads per core, so a command line entry of
xnec2c -j 8 &
can improve performance by almost a factor of eight on a quad core processor.