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Chapter 5. Fedora And Wireless

5.1. Hardware
5.2. Drivers, Chipsets, Devices
5.3. Using NetworkManager
5.4. Connecting to a Network
5.5. Configuring New and Editing Existing Connections
5.6. Connecting to a Network Automatically
This chapter covers details specific to Fedora Documentation and the support for wireless hardware in the Linux kernel. Also included are instructions showing how to use the graphical and command-line interface (CLI) utilities when configuring a simple wireless connection.

5.1. Hardware

Before purchasing wireless hardware for Fedora Documentation it is a good idea to do some research first to make sure support for the hardware exists. The make and model of a particular client adapter may not be the most important factor when deciding on hardware; what is important in terms of Linux is which underlying chipset is used, as wireless hardware is rarely advertised based on its chipset.
The chipset is what the Linux driver usually recognises, and although the overall features are important (for instance 802.11g or 802.11n support, power output levels), the brand name is not always important to the Fedora Documentation infrastructure. For instance, a wireless card branded as a Netgear product might actually use an Atheros chipset for its internal mechanisms.