, a hardware issue to work around with a kernel parameter
, or a problem to resolve by selecting an alternate kernel. This section covers the procedure for adding boot arguments, see Section 8, “Boot Options” for some arguments you might use.
The Rescue option
, or initial boot filesystem. This host-only
had information only about the hardware on your computer, allowing the system to boot more quickly by avoid loading unneeded drivers.
entry. This will load the same Fedora environment as the other entries, but loads a full initramfs
for all boot entries using this command:
dracut --regenerate-all --force
, or on BIOS systems the line will begin with linux
. The next argument on the line will typically be the kernel, a string beginning with /vmlinuz-
. This is shown in Figure 3, “The GRUB edit screen, Part 1”.
Getting more information during boot
and quiet
. These enable the boot splash screen instead of showing details about services, mountpoints, and other units as the sytem boots. If you are troubleshooting a boot issue or want to see more information when Fedora loads, removing these parameters will disable the splash screen.