5.7.140. Bugzilla::Extension::VCS::sync NAME

sync.pl - Synchronize commit data between a VCS repository and Bugzilla. SYNOPSIS

sync.pl --type=<type> --as=<user> [options] repo OPTIONS


(Required) The type of version control system that you are syncing with. Svn, Hg, Bzr, Git, or Cvs.


(Required) The Bugzilla username who will be recorded in the database as the person syncing these commits.


If you want to sync only one project from the repo, specify it here.


If you want to match other words than "bug", you can specify another word here. This can be specified multiple times.


Specify this to test out the sync without actually modifying the database permanently.


Print out more info about what the script is doing. Specify multiple times to get even more verbose. DESCRIPTION

This script can be used to initialize Bugzilla's data about which commits are associated to particular bugs. It searches the text of commit messages in a repository for strings that look like "bug 1234" and assocates the commit with that bug in your Bugzilla.

If any given commit has already been synced to this Bugzilla, it won't be re-synced. Existing commits will not be modified.

This documentation undoubtedly has bugs; if you find some, please file them here.