5.7.139. Bugzilla::Extension::VCS::hook NAME

hook.pl - A helper for implementing version-control hooks to update Bugzilla when a checkin is done. SYNOPSIS

hook.pl --bug=<id> --revision=<id> --project=<path> --config=<file> OPTIONS


The path to a file that contains a configuration for this script. The contents of the file would look something like:

repo: http://svn.mozilla.org/
login: user@example.com
pass: mypass
bugzilla: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/

Each line replaces the value of a switch to this script.


The id of the bug you're associating this commit to.


The "revision id" of the commit that you're associating with a bug. In some VCSes, this is different from the "revision number".


The path to the "project" in the VCS that's being updated, relative to the root of the repository. Usually this is just a path to the branch being updated.


The "repository" that's being updated. The root of your VCS.


The Bugzilla user that will be used to update the bug.


The password for the Bugzilla user.


The URL to your Bugzilla installation, ending with a slash.


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