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13.5.2. Using chronyc for Remote Administration

To configure chrony to connect to a remote instance of chronyd, issue a command as root in the following format:
~]# chronyc -h hostname
Where hostname is the hostname of a system running chronyd to connect to in order to allow remote administration from that host. The default is to connect to the daemon on the localhost.
To configure chrony to connect to a remote instance of chronyd on a non-default port, issue a command as root in the following format:
~]# chronyc -h hostname -p port
Where port is the port in use for controlling and monitoring by the instance of chronyd to be connected to.
Note that commands issued at the chrony command prompt are not persistent. Only commands in the configuration file are persistent.
From the remote systems, the system administrator can issue commands after first using the password command, preceded by the authhash command if the key used a hash different from MD5, at the chronyc command prompt as follows:
chronyc> password secretpasswordwithnospaces
200 OK
The password or hash associated with the command key for a remote system is best obtained by SSH. An SSH connection should be established to the remote machine and the ID of the command key from /etc/chrony.conf and the command key in /etc/chrony.keys memorized or stored securely for the duration of the session.