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13.3.7. Manually Adjusting the System Clock

To update, or step, the system clock immediately, bypassing any adjustments in progress by slewing the clock, issue the following commands as root:
~]# chronyc
      chrony> password commandkey-password
      200 OK
      chrony> makestep
      200 OK
Where commandkey-password is the command key or password stored in the key file.
The real-time clock should not be manually adjusted if the rtcfile directive is used as this would interfere with chrony's need to measure the rate at which the real-time clock drifts if it was adjusted at random intervals.
If chronyc is used to configure the local chronyd, the -a will run the authhash and password commands automatically. This means that the interactive session illustrated above can be replaced by:
chronyc -a makestep