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12.5.4. Input Notes

  1. Look over the template. It's not important to understand what any of this means, but it's good if you can figure it out.
  2. The piano's upper staff will contain the notes between the { and } following the right = \relative c'' portion
  3. The piano's lower ... left
  4. The figured bass will say what you put in figBass
  5. start with the piano's upper part. Input "f1 g a f d e f c a f g f" (explain)
  6. Check that it's right. Preview by press the "LilyPond" button on the toolbar
  7. The exercise starts too high, and it ends too low. Change the starting pitch by " right = \relative c' "
  8. Preview again; of course, it still ends too low (these simple exercises usually start and end on the same pitch).
  9. Put a ' right after the c so that it goes to the upper C
  10. Preview again, and this time it's right.
  11. Now, enter the notes that you've written for the piano's lower staff: "f1 e d c bes c bes f d bes e f"
  12. Preview the output again, and see that it starts too high, but ends on the right pitch.
  13. Fix the start-too-high by changing to " left = \relative c { "
  14. Preview again, and decide where to fix the other change (NB: I end up with "f1 e d c bes c bes f' d bes e f"
  15. Enter the interval number between the top and bottom between the { and } preceded by " figBass = \figuremode "
  16. You have to put each interval between < > brackets. The note-length of the figure's duration goes after the >, so I end up with "<1>1 <3> <5> <4> <3> <3> <5> <5> <5> <5> <3> <1>"
  17. Now you realize that there are some signficant errors in your work. The top staff is the cantus, and cannot change. You have to correct the lower staff.
  18. I've ended up with a lower part that is "f1 e d a bes c d e f d c f", which gives figures that are "<1>1 <3> <5> <6> <3> <3> <3> <6> <3> <3> <5> <1>"