Product SiteDocumentation Site Clarinet_3 and Clarinet_4 Regions

Listen to the Clarinet_3 and Clarinet_4 regions. Clarinet_4 starts with the same material that's in Clarinet_3, and ends with the same material that's in Clarinet_1A and Clarinet_1B. First rename the "Clarinet_3" regions to "Clarinet_3A," and the "Clarinet_4" regions to "Clarinet_3B." Then, we'll extract the Clarinet_1-like portion from the Clarinet_3B regions.
  1. Under the transport toolbar, select the "Select/Move Ranges" tool, which looks like a double-ended left-to-right arrow with vertical lines at the sides.
  2. The cursor will change to look like a text-editing "I"
  3. Scroll to the end of the "Clarinet_3B" regions, so you can see the part the sounds like the "Clarinet_1" regions.
  4. Click and drag the mouse over the "Clarinet_1"-like region in one of the tracks, to select them.
  5. Because of the edit group, Ardour will automatically select the same area of both tracks.
  6. We have to be sure to select all of the "Clarinet_1"-like material, so after you've selected a range, right-click on the range, and select 'Play Range' from the menu.
  7. If you want to adjust the selected range, use the darker squares at the top corners of the range-selection box. When you put the cursor over one of these boxes, it will change into a double-ended, left-to-right arrow.
  8. Now create a new region from the range. Right-click on the selected range, and select 'Bounce range to region list' from the menu.
  9. The range will appear as independent regions in the region list, called something like "clarinet-L-0-bounce-1". This isn't very helpful, so rename the regions to "Clarinet_1C--L" and "Clarinet_1C--R". Notice that the new regions are coloured white.
  10. We no longer need the range tool, so select the "Select/Move Objects" tool, which is the hand-shaped icon just to the left of the range tool, underneath the transport toolbar.
  11. The selected range will no longer be selected. Trim the end of the "Clarinet_3B" regions down to size, past the material that we just bounced to the region list, and past the near-silence before it.
  12. Now move the "Clarinet_3" regions back, to make room for the newly-created "Clarinet_1C" regions.
  13. Drag the new "Clarinet_1C" regions onto the canvas after the other "Clarinet_1" regions, and adjust the spacing of the other regions, if you wish.