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3. What's new in Fedora 20

Network Teaming has been introduced as an alternative to bonding for link aggregation. It is designed to be easy to maintain, debug and extend. For the user it offers performance and flexibility improvements and should be evaluated for all new installations.
A new command-line tool, nmcli, has been introduced to allow users and scripts to interact with NetworkManager. A simple curses-based user interface for NetworkManager, nmtui, is also available.
A number of improvements have been made to NetworkManager to make it more suitable for use in server applications. In particular, NetworkManager no longer watches for configuration file changes by default, such as those made by editors or deployment tools. It allows administrators to make it aware of external changes through the nmcli connection reload command. Changes made through NetworkManager's D-Bus API or with nmcli are still effective immediately.
Not included in this guide, but of interest to network administrators, is the new Open Linux Management Infrastructure or OpenLMI project. This is an implementation of open industry standards for remote system management, which includes an agent for networking. See the Fedora 20 System Administrator's Guide for information on the OpenLMI Networking Provider.