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Appendix E. Logging the Installation

Anaconda tracks all of its activities in logs. This includes:

E.1.  Log files and formats

E.1.1.  Logging on the installed system

During the installation, logs are stored in the /tmp directory. After the installation, the files can be found in the /var/log/anaconda directory. Another set of logs is stored in in the /root directory of the target filesystem, and can be found at /mnt/sysimage/root during the installation. Some logs are also written to the virtual terminals.

Table E.1.  anaconda log files

Logs in /tmp, /var/log/anaconda
anaconda.log/dev/tty3General installation information, including the step changes.
storage.log/dev/tty3Detection and manipulation of storage devices, including RAID, LVM, and partitioning actions.
program.logCalls to external programs, and their output.
syslog/dev/tty4Messages from the kernel and external programs, such as NetworkManager.
yum.log Yum's internal log.
Logs in /root, /mnt/sysimage/root
install.logThe log of the package installation process
install.log.syslogMessages from installation chroot logged through the system's syslog. Mostly information about users and groups created during yum's package installation.