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3.2. grig

grig is a simple front panel for a radio.
To start grig, click the grig icon:
grig icon

Figure 12. grig icon

When started from the menu, grig uses a dummy back end, so you may explore the capability, but your radio will not be affected.
The main window allows for control over most of the actions accessible from a typical radio front panel. Frequency may be increased or decreased by left or right clicking the appropriate digit in the frequency display. Other controls are more or less self-explanatory.
grig main window

Figure 13. grig main window

To control the radio, you should start grig from the command line. You must first have your radio connected using the appropriate hardware, which most commonly will be a serial port.
You must provide grig with the model code for your radio, the port and speed, and in some cases, a radio address. You can find the model code by typing rigctl -l. Use man grig or info grig for all the possible switches, but most commonly you will use -m for the model, -r for the port, -s for the speed, and most often, -c for the address.
For example, for an Icom 7000 on /dev/ttyUSB0, the command would be:
grig -m 360 -r /dev/ttyUSB0 -s 9600 -c 0x70
The -m 360 is the model code for an Icom 7000, the -r /dev/ttyUSB0 is the port to which the radio is attached, the -s 9600 is the baud rate, and -c 0x70 is the default CIV address for an Icom 7000.
Since you typically will have only a few radios, it may be preferable to create a script, or perhaps edit  /usr/share/applications/fedora-grig.desktop to reflect your particular hardware.