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3.4. Validating in Mac OS X

To check the files, download the program HashTab available from
Drag each Fedora image file that you want to validate, and drop it to HashTab. Take note of the SHA256 value that HashTab displays.
Open the file CHECKSUM with a text editor, such as TextEdit, to display its contents. Make sure the hash displayed by HashTab for each of the downloaded ISO files exactly matches the corresponding hash in the CHECKSUM file.
To validate the files from the command line, use the shasum command. In order to correctly validate the files, the 256-bit algorithm must be specified. Change into the directory that holds the ISO image files, then run shasum. For example:
			cd Desktop
			shasum -a 256 Fedora-18-i386-DVD.iso
If all of the hashes match, you can burn the ISO file to disc. If a file does not match, download it again.