Product SiteDocumentation Site

Appendix D. Alphabetical index of publican.cfg parameters

publican.cfg parameters

filters output by computer architecture. For example, if you set arch: x86_64 in the publican.cfg file, Publican will only include XML elements tagged with the equivalent attribute, such as <para arch="x86_64">.

Use with caution

As with conditional tagging more generally, arch can cause great difficulties when translating documents. Refer to Section 4.9.1, “Conditional tagging and translation” for an explanation of the issues.

arch set for root nodes

If the root node of an XML file is excluded by the arch attribute, your document will not build, because empty files are not valid XML. For example, if Installation_and_configuration-PPC.xml contains a single chapter:
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8' ?>
<!DOCTYPE chapter PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.5//EN" "" [
<chapter id="chap-Installation_and_configuration_on_PowerPC" arch="PowerPC">
<title>Installation and configuration on PowerPC</title>

[text of chapter]


and this chapter is included in User_Guide.xml with an <xi:include> tag, the document will not build with $ condition: x86 set in the publican.cfg file.
To exclude this chapter, add the arch attribute to the <xi:include> tag in User_Guide.xml, not to the <chapter> tag in Installation_and_configuration-PPC.xml.

xrefs and the arch attribute

If an <xref> points to content not included in the build due to the arch attribute, the build will fail. For example, with arch: x86 set in the publican.cfg file, $ publican build --formats=pdf --langs=en-US will fail if the book has the tag <xref linkend="Itanium_installation"> pointing to <section id="Itanium_installation" arch="IA64">.
specifies a space-separated list of books used in a remote set. Refer to Section 6.2, “Distributed sets” for more information on distributed sets.
sets the brand of the document, for example, RedHat, fedora, JBoss, oVirt or GIMP , as set by the --brand option for $ publican create. If you do not specify a brand, Publican uses its default brand. Refer to Chapter 5, Branding for more information.
specifies the build target to use for building the desktop RPM package in Brew, Red Hat's internal build system. This parameter defaults to docs-5E. Refer to Section 4.8.2, “The $ publican package command” and Section 5.4, “Packaging a brand” for more information on building RPM packages.
specifies whether the contents of <bridgehead> elements (free-floating titles) should be included among other titles (such as section titles and chapter titles) in tables of contents. To enable this feature, set bridgehead_in_toc: 1. Otherwise, the parameter defaults to 0, and <bridgehead>s are not included in tables of contents.
controls whether the first section should appear on a new page when rendered in HTML. To make the first section appear on a new HTML page, set this parameter to chunk_first: 1. Otherwise, the parameter defaults to 0, and the first section appears on the same page of its chapter.
controls the section depth at which Publican no longer splits sub-subsections onto a new page when rendering HTML. By default, this value is set to 4.

Example D.1. Controlling the section depth with chunk_section_depth

chunk_section_depth: 0
no section split. All sections with their sub-sections appear on the same page of the chapter they belong. The page succession is chapter 1, chapter 2, chapter 3, …
chunk_section_depth: 1
the split is at "level 1" section. Each level section one with its sub-sections, appear on a new page. The page succession is chapter 1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4 … chapter 2, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3 …
chunk_section_depth: 2
the split is at "level 2" section. The page succession is chapter 1, 1.2, 1.2.2, 1.2.3, 1.2.4 … 1.3, 1.3.2, 1.3.3 …
chunk_section_depth: 3
the split is at "level 3" section. The page succession is chapter 1, 1.2, 1.2.2,,, … 1.3, 1.3.2,, …
chunk_section_depth: 4 (default)
the split is at "level 4" section. The page succession is chapter 1, 1.2, 1.2.2,,,, … 1.2.3,,, …
sets the path to the Java archive (jar) files for FOP. Publican relies on Apache FOP — a Java application — to render documents as PDF files. The default path for FOP's jar files on a computer with a Linux operating system is: /usr/share/java/ant/ant-trax-1.7.0.jar:/usr/share/java/xmlgraphics-commons.jar:/usr/share/java/batik-all.jar:/usr/share/java/xml-commons-apis.jar:/usr/share/java/xml-commons-apis-ext.jar
sets the path to the Publican installation. The default location on a computer with a Linux operating system is /usr/share/publican. On a computer with a Windows operating system, the default location is %SystemDrive%/%ProgramFiles%/publican — most usually C:/Program Files/publican.
sets the path to the Publican common content files. These files provide default formatting, plus some boilerplate text and generic graphics. The default location on a computer with a Linux operating system is /usr/share/publican/Common_Content. On a computer with a Windows operating system, the default location is %SystemDrive%/%ProgramFiles%/publican/Common_Content — most usually C:/Program Files/publican/Common_Content.
specifies conditions on which to prune XML before transformation. Refer to Section 4.9, “Conditional tagging” for more information.

Root nodes and conditional tagging

If the root node of an XML file is excluded with a conditional, your document will not build, because empty files are not valid XML. For example, if Installation_and_configuration_on_Fedora.xml contains a single chapter:

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8' ?>
<!DOCTYPE chapter PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.5//EN" "" [
<chapter id="chap-Installation_and_configuration_on_Fedora" condition="Fedora">
<title>Installation and configuration on Fedora</title>

[text of chapter]


and this chapter is included in User_Guide.xml with an <xi:include> tag, the document will not build with $ condition: Ubuntu set in the publican.cfg file.
To exclude this chapter, add a condition to the <xi:include> tag in User_Guide.xml, not to the <chapter> tag in Installation_and_configuration_on_Fedora.xml.

xrefs and conditional tagging

If an <xref> points to content not included in the build due to conditional tagging, the build will fail. For example, with $ condition: upstream set in the publican.cfg file, $ publican build --formats=pdf --langs=en-US will fail if the book has the tag <xref linkend="betasection"> pointing to <section id="betasection" condition="beta">.
marks a document as confidential. When this parameter is set to 1, Publican adds the text specified by the confidential_text parameter (by default, CONFIDENTIAL) to the foot of each HTML page and the head of every page in a PDF document. The default value is 0 (no header or footer).
specifies the text to use when the confidential parameter is set to 1. The default text is CONFIDENTIAL.
controls whether Publican should display debugging messages as it works. When set to its default of 0, Publican does not display debugging messages. Change this value to 1 to view these messages.
sets the default language for a Publican-managed website. Tables of contents for languages other than the default language will link to documents in the default language when translations are not available. Refer to Section 4.8, “Packaging a document”.
provides a URL for the documentation team for this package. In HTML output, Publican links to this URL at the top right of each page, through the image_right.png image in the Common_Content/images directory for the brand. This parameter defaults to
specifies the document name. If set, this value overrides the content of the <title> tag in the Book_Info.xml file when you package a document. This value must contain only upper- and lower-case un-accented letters, digits, and the underscore and space characters (‘a–z’, ‘A–Z’, ‘0’–‘9’, and ‘_’ and ‘ ’).
a package that a desktop package obsoletes.
a package that the desktop package requires, for example, a documentation menu package. Refer to Section, “Desktop menu entries for documents”.
specifies the version of the DocBook XML Document Type Definition (DTD) on which this project is based. Publican defaults to version 4.5. The specification for DocBook XML DTD version 4.5 is available from

A different DTD might slow your build

When you install Publican, you also install a local copy of the DocBook XML DTD version 4.5 and accompanying Extensible Stylesheet Language (XSL). If you set a version of the DTD for which there is no local support, Publican must download the appropriate DTD and XSL from an online source every time that it builds the document. Building your document is delayed while this download takes place. The combined size of the required files is around 70 MB.
Override Type for DocType. Must be a complete string.


This parameter is only permitted in a brand.
Override URI for DocType. Must be a complete string.


This parameter is only permitted in a brand.
sets the ID for an Eclipse help plugin. Every Eclipse help plugin must have a unique ID, and these generally follow Java package naming conventions — refer to By default, Publican sets the ID to org.product.docname. The ID that you set here also determines the directory name for this plugin in the plugin directory.
sets the name of an Eclipse help plugin. This is the human-readable name visible in the help list in Eclipse. This name does not need to be unique or to follow a special convention. By default, Publican sets the name to product docname.
sets the provider name for an Eclipse help plugin. This should be your name, or the name of your project or organization. This name is presented to users and does not need to be unique or follow a special convention. By default, Publican sets the provider name to Publican-Publican version.
specifies the edition number for this document. If set, this value overrides the content of the <edition> tag in the Book_Info.xml file when you package a document. This value must include only digits and the period (‘0’–‘9’ and ‘.’).
the directory Publican will process extra files from. (Default: extras)
specifies content that will be injected into the bottom of every page on the site.
controls the section depth at which Publican will generate a table of contents. At the default value of 0, Publican will generate tables of contents at the start of the document and in parts, chapters, and appendixes, but not in sections. If (for example) the value is set to 1, tables of contents also appear in each "level 1" section, such as sections 1.1, 1.2, 2.1, and 2.2. If set to 2, tables of contents also appear in "level 2" sections, such as sections 1.1.1, 1.1.2, and 1.2.1.

Example D.2. Setting the section depth at which tables of contents appear

generate_section_toc_level: 0 (default)
Publican will generate tables of contents at the start of the document and in parts, chapters, and appendixes, but not in sections.
generate_section_toc_level: 1
Publican will generate tables of contents also at the start of each "level 1" section, such as sections 1.1, 1.2 … 2.1, 2.2 …
generate_section_toc_level: 2
Publican will generate tables of contents also at the start of each "level 2" section, such as as sections 1.1.1, 1.1.2. 1.1.3 … 1.2.1., 1.2.2, 1.2.3 …
specifies translations to ignore as comma-separated XML language codes; for example, es-ES,it-IT. If you build or package a book for a language filtered by this parameter, Publican ignores any translations that exist for this language, and builds or packages the book in the language of the original XML instead. Refer to Section 4.6, “Preparing a document for translation”, and to Appendix G, Language codes.
the directory Publican will process images from. (Default: images)
overrides the default Info file. Specifies where Publican looks for info fields. Use the full filename without the path.
specifies the license this package uses. By default, Publican selects the GNU Free Documentation License (GFDL). Refer to Section 4.8, “Packaging a document”.
specifies the maximum width allowable for images in the document in pixels. By default, Publican scales down any images wider than 444 pixels so that they fit within this limit. Keeping images no wider than 444 pixels ensures that they present no wider than the right-hand margin of the text in HTML output and that they fit within the pages of PDF output. Refer to Section 4.2, “Adding images” for more information on using images.

Important — 444 pixels is the maximum safe width

Do not use the max_image_width parameter if your images contain important information. Images wider than 444 pixels presented at their full size might lead to poorly presented HTML and to PDF output that it is unusable because the images have run off the page and are incomplete.
Conversely, images wider than 444 pixels that are scaled down in a web browser to fit the HTML container or in a PDF viewer to for a page lose quality.
To safeguard the quality of your images, crop them or scale them so that they are no wider than 444 pixels before you include them in a document.
specifies the name of the XML file in your document that contains the root XML node <article>, <book>, or <set>, and the name of the corresponding .ent file that contains the document's entities. For example, if you set mainfile: master, Publican looks for the root XML node in master.xml and the document entities in master.ent.
If mainfile is not set, Publican looks for the root XML node in a file that matches the <title> of the document set in the Article_Info.xml, Book_Info.xml, or Set_Info.xml file, and looks for the document entities in a file with a corresponding name.
the desktop menu category (as defined by a corresponding .menu file) in which a document should appear when installed from a desktop RPM package. Refer to Section, “Desktop menu entries for documents”.
specifies the operating system for which to build packages. Publican appends the value that you provide here to the RPM packages that it builds. For example, .fc15 for Fedora 15. The default value is .el5, which signifies Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 and operating systems derived from it. Refer to Section 4.8, “Packaging a document” and Section 5.4, “Packaging a brand”.
provides a URL for the product to which this document applies. In HTML output, Publican links to this URL at the top left of each page, through the image_left.png image in the Common_Content/images directory for the brand. This parameter defaults to
specifies the product to which this documentation applies. If set, this value overrides the content of the <productname> tag in the Book_Info.xml file when you package a document. This value must include only contain upper- and lower-case un-accented letters, digits, and the underscore and space characters (‘a–z’, ‘A–Z’, ‘0’–‘9’, and ‘_’ and ‘ ’).
specifies the release number of this package. If set, this value overrides the value of <pubsnumber> in the Book_Info.xml file when you package a document. This value must include only digits (‘0’–‘9’).
specifies the repository from which to fetch remote books that form part of a distributed set. Refer to Section 6.2, “Distributed sets”.
override the default Revision History file. Specifies where Publican looks for revision fields. Use the full filename without the path. When combined with the Publican action add_revision, it enables you to build a book without a Revision_History.xml.
specifies the version control (or source code management) system used in the repository in that stores the remote books in a distributed set. At present, Publican can use only Subversion (SVN), and therefore uses SVN as its default setting. Refer to Section 6.2, “Distributed sets”.
controls whether to display DocBook <remark>s in transformed output. By default, this value is set to 0, which causes Publican to hide remarks. Set this value to 1 to display remarks. In Publican's common brand, displayed remarks are highlighted in magenta.
override the default sort weighting for books in a Publican website. Books are displayed on the website in descending sort order. For example, a book with sort order 10 appears before a book with sort order 5. By default, this value is set to 50.
specifies the URL at which to find tarballs of source files. This parameter provides the Source: field in the header of an RPM spec file. Refer to Section 4.8, “Packaging a document”.
specifies the directory for Publican output. By default, this is set to tmp, which creates a directory named tmp inside the directory that holds your article or book.
specifies the path to Publican templates. By default, this is set to /usr/share/publican/templates.
allows a site to override the template used when building the embedded toc using in web_style=1 sites. The template must be in the same directory that toc.tmpl is in. The template name must be must be of the form toc_type+.tmpl
specifies the name of a custom TOC template. By default, Publican looks for toc-$toc_type.tmpl in /usr/share/publican/templates. You can override this by setting an alternative path with tmpl_path.
controls the depth of sections that Publican includes in the main table of contents. By default, this value is set to 2. With the default setting, sections 1.1 and 1.1.1 will appear in the main table of contents, but section will not. (Note that the first digit in these examples represents a chapter, not a section).

Example D.3. Controlling the depth of sections in the main table of contents

toc_section_depth: 0
Publican will generate a main table of contents only for chapters.
toc_section_depth: 1
Publican will generate a main table of contents only for chapters and "level 1" sections, such as 1, 1.1, 1.2, 1.3 … 9, 9.1, 9.2 … but not for sections 1.1.1, 1.1.2 …
toc_section_depth: 2 (default)
Publican will generate tables of contents for chapters and "level 1 and "level 2" sections, such as 1, 1.1, 1.1.1, … 1,2, 1.2.1, 1.2.2 … but not for deeper sections x.x.x.x .
specifies the type of document — a DocBook <article>, DocBook <book>, or DocBook <set>, as set by the --type option for $ publican create.
specifies the version number of that product to which this document applies. If set, this value overrides the content of the <productnumber> tag in the Book_Info.xml file when you package a document. This value must include only digits and the period (‘0’–‘9’ and ‘.’).
specifies the brew build target to use for building the web RPM packages. Brew is the internal build system used by Red Hat. By default, this value is set to docs-5E, representing documentation packages for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5. Refer to Section 4.8, “Packaging a document”.
a comma-separated list of formats to include in the web RPM package. Refer to Section 4.8.2, “The $ publican package command”.
specifies that the document is the home page of a documentation website, not a standard document. Refer to Chapter 7, Building a website with Publican.

Important — web_home is deprecated

In Publican 2.2, web_home is replaced by web_type: home. Support for web_home will be removed in a future version of Publican.
overrides the book name as it appears on the menu of a Publican-managed website. Refer to Chapter 7, Building a website with Publican.
specifies packages that the web RPM obsoletes. Refer to Section 4.8, “Packaging a document”.
overrides the product name as it appears on the menu of a Publican-managed website. Refer to Chapter 7, Building a website with Publican.
sets the web style, which determines the layout and presentation of the website. Valid values are 1 and 2. Style 1 features a navigation pane at the left side of the screen that provides access to all of the documents on the site. Style 2 offers a breadcrumb-like navigation system.
specifies that the document is descriptive content for a Publican-managed website rather than product documentation. This content includes the home page of the website (web_type: home), product description pages (web_type: product), and version description pages (web_type: version). Refer to Chapter 7, Building a website with Publican.
overrides the version number as it appears on the menu of a Publican-managed website. Set this value to UNUSED for general documentation that does not apply to any particular version of a product. Refer to Chapter 7, Building a website with Publican.
Extra options to pass to wkhtmltopdf. e.g. wkhtmltopdf_opts: "-O landscape -s A3"
specifies the language of the source XML files, for example, en-US, as set by the --lang option for $ publican create.