Appendix B. Command summary

Section B.1. Command options

Allow the XML and XSLT processing to access the network. Defaults off.
Directory to source brand files from.
Override path to Common_Config directory
Override path to Common_Content directory
Use a nonstandard config file
Display help message
Disable ANSI colourisation of logging.
Disable all logging.

Section B.2. Command actions

$ publican add_revision
Add an entry to the revision history
Date to use for a revision.
email to use for a revision.
firstname to use for a revision.
The language the XML will be written in
An entry to be added to the revision. Can be specified multiple times.
Revision number to use for a revision.
surname to use for a revision.
$ publican build
Transform XML to other formats (pdf, html, html-single, drupal-book, etc)
This flag tells publican the data being processed is a distributed set. Note: do not use distributed_set on the command line. Publican uses this flag when calling itself to process distributed sets. This is the only safe way this flag can be used.
Embed the web site TOC object in the generated HTML
Comma-separated list of formats, for example: html,pdf,html-single,html-desktop,txt,epub
Comma-separated list of languages, for example: en-US,de-DE,all
Do not run the DTD validation
Override the tool to use when creating PDFs. Valid options are wkhtmltopdf and fop.
Directory to publish files to. Defaults to publish.
Set up built content for publishing
Show fuzzy translation entries in output. Defaults off.
Directory to source publican files from.
$ publican clean
Remove all temporary files and directories
Directory to publish files to. Defaults to publish.
$ publican clean_ids
Run clean ids for source XML
$ publican clean_set
Remove local copies of remote set books
$ publican copy_web_brand
Copy a brand's installed web content to another site
The brand to use
WebSite configuration file to use when copying content between sites.
WebSite configuration file to use or create.
$ publican create
Create a new book, set, or article
The brand to use
The version of the DocBook DTD to use
The edition of the book, article, or set
The language the XML will be written in
The name of the book, article, set, or brand
The name of the product
The type (book, article, or set)
The version of the product
$ publican create_brand
Create a new brand
The language the XML will be written in
The name of the book, article, set, or brand
$ publican create_site
Create a new WebSite in the supplied location.
Override default database file.
The language the XML will be written in
WebSite configuration file to use or create.
Override the default template path.
Override the default TOC path.
$ publican help_config
Display help text for the configuration file
$ publican install_book
Install a book in to a WebSite.
The language the XML will be written in
WebSite configuration file to use or create.
$ publican install_brand
Install a brand to the supplied location
Directory to publish files to. Defaults to publish.
Install the web content for a brand.
$ publican lang_stats
report PO statistics
The language the XML will be written in
$ publican migrate_site
Migrate a website DataBase from Publican < 3 to Publican 3.
WebSite configuration file to use or create.
$ publican package
Package a language for shipping
Build binary rpm when running package
Push SRPM to brew
Create desktop instead of web package
The language the XML will be written in
Directory to publish files to. Defaults to publish.
Use scratch instead of tag build
Create package without using version in package name
Wait for brew to finish building
$ publican print_banned
Print a list of banned DocBook tags
$ publican print_known
Print a list of QA'd DocBook tags
$ publican print_tree
Print a tree of the xi:includes
$ publican print_unused
Print a list of unused XML files
$ publican print_unused_images
Print a list of unused Image files
$ publican remove_book
Remove a book from a WebSite.
The language the XML will be written in
WebSite configuration file to use or create.
$ publican rename
Rename a publican book
The name of the book, article, set, or brand
The name of the product
The version of the product
$ publican report
Print a readability report for the source text.
$ publican site_stats
Report on the contents of a WebSite
WebSite configuration file to use or create.
$ publican trans_drop
Snapshot the source language for use in translation.
$ publican update_db
Add or remove database entries. Used for processing pre-build books, such as when building packages.
Abstract for a book
Add a database entry
The language this translation is based on.
The version number of the book being installed.
Delete a database entry
Comma-separated list of formats, for example: html,pdf,html-single,html-desktop,txt,epub
The language the XML will be written in
The name of the book, article, set, or brand
name label for a book
The name of the product
product label for a book
WebSite configuration file to use or create.
Order to sort a book
Sub title for a book
The version of the product
version label for a book
$ publican update_po
Update the PO files
email to use for a revision.
firstname to use for a revision.
Comma-separated list of languages, for example: en-US,de-DE,all
Use gettext's msgmerge for POT/PO merging.
Keep previous msgid when fuzzy matches are detected in PO updates.
surname to use for a revision.
$ publican update_pot
Update the POT files
$ publican update_site
Update an existing sites templates.
WebSite configuration file to use or create.
$ publican zt_pull
Pull translations from Zanata.
$ publican zt_push
Push translations to Zanata.